Просмотр полной версии : Hello, the doctor! At me after otites the fistula in drum-type per was formed...

17.08.2004, 17:52
Hello, the doctor! At me after otites the fistula in a tympanic membrane or an eardrum (hearing was formed is sharply lowered if to stop up a nose through an ear it is possible to exhale air). Whether It is possible to dive in such status? Voobshche-that I avoid it or this.

Doctor V.I.Kochenov.
18.08.2004, 21:33
It is necessary to avoid hit of water in uho, close acoustical passage vatochkoj with butter or oil. Ointment, Vaselinum also bathe. Pervoratsiju in a tympanic membrane or an eardrum it is possible to close surgically - a myringoplasty if there are no purulent discharges.