Просмотр полной версии : The dear doctor! Help or assist to find out the reason of occurrence not clear shishki...

The anonym
15.08.2004, 04:06
The dear doctor! Help or assist to find out the reason of occurrence not clear shishki behind an ear, this ossicle or bonelet which is directly behind an ear became simply increased. The lymph node is not increased. Reddenings are not present. Reacts unpleasant sensations to changes in temperature okr. Mediums (air-conditioning). At pressing too it is unpleasant. SHishka accurate. Impacts was not. Such impression that the ossicle or bonelet has simply increased, but... During 3 h weeks I can not get rid of a rhinitis. The throat does not hurt. I look forward to advice or council. Elena.

Doctor V.I.Kochenov
16.08.2004, 07:52
If she firm, can be an osteoma temporal keosti (mastoid). And the mastoiditis with peristalnoj reaction can also? It is necessary to go to an ENT to the doctor. The rhinitis is in parallel.