Просмотр полной версии : Good afternoon! Help or assist please, at me after an odontectomy it was formed sv...

11.08.2004, 10:56
Good afternoon! Help or assist please, at me after an odontectomy the fistula in gajmorovu a sinus was formed, is long not healing. The plasty is spent unsuccessfully. The flap taken from a cheek, has not got accustomed. However the fistula has decreased. Than it is possible to stimulate body height of granulations and to close a fistula? If there will be no closing a fistula, whether there is an artificial tissue for closing defect? In advance thanks.

Balashova T.L.
12.08.2004, 18:18
Ella if can, approach or drop in on consultation, it is necessary to look or see. Our clinic deals with such problems. Ph. of the manager 504 21 44