Просмотр полной версии : Good afternoon. At my father the larynx (cancer) is removed two years ago. Whether Est-ka...

Alexander Levchenkov
10.08.2004, 18:37
Good afternoon. At my father the larynx (cancer) is removed two years ago. Whether Est-any artificial golosoobrazujushchie devices and where it is possible to buy or purchase. Thanks!!!

Doctor V.I.Kochenov.
12.08.2004, 05:32
It is possible to make a fistula on Staffieri. The device which is inserted into it or her at me is, I can send. For operation on applying a fistula address by Century Zengeru (in-t Vladimir, an ENT unit). Or it is possible to use laringofon-treshchetka for intensifying artikuljatsii-in shops medtehniki.