Просмотр полной версии : Good afternoon. Here 4 day at me a terrible angina. I rinse everyone 30 a grass...

03.08.2004, 00:34
Good afternoon. Here 4 day at me a terrible angina. I rinse everyone 30 grasses, Furacilinum, salt + soda, romazulanom. I process ljugolem and I splash "stopanginom", I do or make ingaljatsii-ALL it is useless. I any more do not know what to do or make. Ears pawns + a rhinitis, tussis. I look forward to yours otaeta. With uvazheniei Olga. treib@mail. ru

04.08.2004, 01:53
To rinse or gargle a little.
The Chinese doctor.
Treatment nastojami grasses. For inhabitants S-Pb.

After consultation (approximately 1.5 hours) the admixture of grasses for nastoja and the schedule of reception will be offered to you. Correction of your regimen, a delivery, behaviour, a private world is not excluded.
At "functional" disturbances, for example, migraines, a constipation, a premenstrual syndrome, cramps and even shejno-a thoracal osteochondrosis (often - absolutely wrong diagnosis!) the result will be not later the second day of reception nastoja.
At a thrombophlebitis, a "eternal" angina, jazvochkah in tongue, an epileptiform neuralgia,
Epilepsies, beljah, estromanias, herpes (especially genital) - in two weeks.
Probably to avoid some operations (excision of tonsils, a cholic bubble)
But even if illness or disease serious and treatment long, All of you will peerly see DYNAMICS or CHANGES, instead of "to indulge in vain hopes", promised in half a year.
The despaired people, "otkazniki" official medicine - too my patients. If you know such, help or assist them to find me.
If you want, to you will be explained by phone, why in the given concrete case of a tablet, nyxes, leeches, BADy (it at all a medicine!) have appeared noneffective.
Treatment paid.
Payment with 3 go - 7 go day and ONLY after your phrase: to Me helps or assists. Let's continue treatment .
Record by phone: 8 921 325 71 34
7777777@supermail. ru

Zlotnikov K.L.
06.08.2004, 12:33
Olga, esi is an angina it is necessary to accept an antibiotic, and in general, to treat such disease it is necessary under the control of the doctor!.