Просмотр полной версии : Hello, the Doctor. At me the diagnosis " kompensirovanyj a tonsillitis ". I am ill or sick about...

03.08.2004, 23:39
Hello, the Doctor. At me the diagnosis " kompensirovanyj a tonsillitis ". I am ill or sick with catarrhal diseases seldom, the exacerbation of a tonsillitis arises not more often than once a year, and only at a combination of a strong long frigorism (overheat) + strong stress. Cold drink in hot weather, bathing, etc. similar factors of reaction from tonsils do not cause or cause. Colds do not pass in an exacerbation of a tonsillitis. Mechanically I delete before a mirror purulent fuses which sometimes reach or achieve 5 mm. Lavages Furacilinum and Dioxydinum of effect do not give. To me offer a tonsilectomy, but I refuse, t. To. I am ill or sick seldom, heart, joints and yet do not disturb a kidney, analyses always in norm or rate. It would be desirable to learn or find out your opinion and references on treatment. Thanks.

Doctor V.I.Kochenov.
04.08.2004, 03:04
Put a tonsillitis, suggest to remove tonsils. To agree or not?

Emphasize on regular gargles of a throat with grasses and addition of peroxide of Hydrogenium. Or a course of a lavage of cryptas the doctor. It is very good to use ultrasonic low-frequency influences - UZ a cavitation through antiseptic or influence striktorom in ostiums of lacunas is simple. It practically sterilizes tonsils. To delete tonsils for today = to recommend to chop off an arm or a hand or a leg or foot if the splinter has got. Tonsils are necessary are an organ of the immunity, functioning all life. And size of tonsils about what does not speak, greater or big are even well, the protective organ activly means functions, purulent hr. Process is is more often characteristic for small, dense and sklerozirovannyh tonsils in which does not remain to a functioning adenoid tissue. Essentially to stimulate job of tonsils on protection of an organism against an infection it is possible (to not confuse by cryotherapy to attempts of excision of tonsils by a cryolysis). Short-term freezing of the most changed sites is practically individualized inoculation against that infection which gives chronic inflammatory process. We kill the originator a cold and leaves on a place - the present or true inoculation. + it zakalivanie, as a result diseases by a flu, colds less often develop. It is shown immunostimulirujushchaja (regenerative as it or her name in Germany) cryotherapy by everything, both to adults and children, even, if anything in a throat and does not disturb, for prophylaxis of times in 3 5 years - prophylaxes of rheumatic disease, a flu, a syndrome of chronic weariness, a cancer... More in detail on kriol. boom. ru