Просмотр полной версии : Catarrhal diseases are not present, but many years in a throat obrazovyvaetsja very much mno...

30.07.2004, 09:28
Catarrhal diseases are not present, but many years in a throat obrazovyvaetsja it is a lot of slime which should be expectorated. After oncologic operation (a cancer of the right mammary gland) it has stopped for two years, has then renewed. Has now passed or has now taken place four years after operation, slime again is strongly allocated, especially in the mornings, up to a nausea. A potato I try to eat. I eat porridges, vegetables, on a regular basis I drink various collectings of grasses, I accept Befunginum, bifidumbakterin, I conduct an active way of life. I suspect, that the myxopoiesis and an oncology kak-that are connected. Vrachi-oncologists skeptically concern to my observations, and on doktor. ru have advised to address to lor-to the doctor, having told or said, that the pathology lor-organs is possible or probable.

Leshkova E.J.
30.07.2004, 15:35
First of all you should consult at the otolaryngologist to exclude a pathology of an ENT of organs. To make it without survey on the Internet it is impossible. But on that clinic, that you have described, anything serious at you is not present, it is not connected with an oncology (and probably it most of all disturbs you). Often such sensations as at you, can be reaction to a unsuccessful bionomics, at a pathology zheludochno-an intestinal tract, etc. But, to not worry address to an ENT to the doctor.