Просмотр полной версии : 2th years the periods ears flow, do not hurt, doctors recommended to dig in or instill r-O...

19.07.2004, 15:30
2th years the periods ears flow, do not hurt, doctors recommended to dig in or instill r-O Acidum boricum helps or assists, but not for a long time, sometimes vobshche is useless... But it repeats snovo... Audibility has not worsened... At doctors for a long time any more was not. In what the problem can-be???

Soldatskij J.L.
20.07.2004, 13:48
Acidum boricum in your situation it is impossible to drip in general, most likely at you - a chronic purulent otitis, without survey and additional inspection (the roentgenogram of temporal bones, the computer tomography, etc.) anything advises you I can not, tk operative treatment is probably necessary. Therefore address to the doctor