Просмотр полной версии : Hello! At the husband constant tussis with an expectoration and complicated...

07.07.2004, 17:56
Hello! At the husband constant tussis with an expectoration and the complicated respiration (especially at night), have spent full course of treatment by antibiotics - without results, antiasthmatic preparations written out by the doctor do not help or assist. Prompt what to do or make? Doctors 2 years diagnose - a bronchitis on end. The registered treatment does not help or assist.

The anonym
11.07.2004, 09:23
To be surveyed at lung specialists

Arhipova J.V.
15.07.2004, 05:49
ENT looked?

16.07.2004, 08:06
During an exacerbation on a regular basis addresses to LORu which actually and has diagnosed, unfortunately such expert as the lung specialist at us is not present.

Arhipova J.V.
17.07.2004, 21:05
If lor-excludes a pathology, treatment at the therapist (if there is no lung specialist) is necessary, the reason not in the top respiratory ways means.