Просмотр полной версии : Hello! My name is Tatyana to me 23. In the beginning of November to me have made About...

proskurjakova. Century
13.07.2004, 09:09
Hello! My name is Tatyana to me 23. In the beginning of November to me have made
Operation: have removed a cyst from the left antrum or sinus of highmore. Already has passed or has taken place enough
It is a lot of time, and at me till now a problem with a nose. From the left nostril go sopli,
That green, transparent with blisters or blebs. I every day wash out a nose r-an ohm of Furacilinum,
But it does not help or assist. Prompt what to do or make. The most awful, that when at me a problem
With a nose at me as legs or foots start to swell. The reason of edemas was a sick throat earlier,
Now tonsils are not present more, and edemas proceed.
The reason not in heart. I went on reception to the therapist, did or made the cardiogram and to me have told or said,
That is not present no trouble.
As soon as to me have removed tonsils I began to feel much lutshe, edemas have passed or have taken place.
And now again, but the reason of edemas - a nose. Prompt please, that it is necessary to do or make.

Mine e-mail: tatiana_p@ok. ru

Zlotnikov K.L.
14.07.2004, 08:51
Tatyana, now your complaints and the described picture of disease corresponds or meets to a purulent genyantritis. The reason of edemas probably is an exacerbation hr. Process which has been caused or called by a tonsillitis, and now inflammatory process in a sinus operates or works similarly. I recommend to begin more quickly treatment of a genyantritis (or an inflammation another okolonosovoj sinuses).