Просмотр полной версии : Help or Assist!!! At me medicinal dependence on Naphthyzinum. I can not breathe...

09.07.2004, 13:25
Help or Assist!!! At me medicinal dependence on Naphthyzinum. I can not breathe a nose without drops. Except for that gradually I lose an olfaction. What to do or make? Where to address? Help or assist!!!

Doctor V.I.Kochenov.
11.07.2004, 02:58
Any lek. Dependences are not present. Simply not consistency - go on the most easy or light;mild way temporarily to receive the improvement leading in deadlock. It is a vasculomotor rhinitis. More likely a functional status of a nose - at all illness or disease. This consequence or investigation of environmental contamination, therefore, to some extent, suffer practically all. 50 years ago such illness or disease at all was not. Now our nose is compelled or forced to carry out more activly the physiological role, tries to not pass or miss, humidify, clear and warm undesirable air. Thus venous vessels extend
The best method of treatment cryotherapy, UZ decomposition. Cryotherapy consists in influence by an applicator at the temperature close to a minus 200 hailstones. With, on the certain zones of a mucosa in a nasal cavity after local anesthesia. These zones are reflexogenic for normalization of a tonus of respiratory ways. Therefore treatment by a cold is shown and at a bronchial asthma. Without any Novocainum thus are broken off or lacerated pathological nervno-reflex arches (on Ukhtomsky), t. To. The nervous fiber the first perishes after freezing, and is restored gradually already without pathological changes. The mucosa in these frozen places simply completely is updated, therefore in Germany procedure have directly named regenerative cryotherapy. Are updated voloskovye cells of a false skin of a nose, means it is possible to improve a status atrofirovannoj mucous. The main thing - vessels which are a basis zalozhennosti a nose pori this disease collapse or are blasted. After deep freezing vessels extend less, air passes or takes place freely.
At an allergic component of a rhinitis mucous a nose represents itself as a complement which connects or bridges allergen and an antibody, this complex stimulates a vasodilatation. After freezing a complex antigen-komplement-the antibody becomes foreign to an organism, and remains on a place - the individualized inoculation against an allergy is carried out. Antibodies in an organism start to be developed or produced already against it or this devitalizirovannogo the pathological complex, being by a basis of illness or disease. Thus, cryotherapy is an inoculation against your own allergy.
Similar etiological and simultaneously gentle self-healing of a method starting natural mechanisms more is not present. Cryotherapy can be made very gently (and it or this happens quite enough), she can be and surgical holodovoj the operation directed in basic on the destruction of nasal conchas - kriokonhotomiej. Cryotherapy can be repeated as is wished many times, she does not give a cicatrization, an atrophy. However the tendency of predilection to the expressed vascular reactions in a nasal cavity completely cannot be liquidated. To not be ill or sick with a vasculomotor rhinitis, it was necessary to be born 100 years ago.
About treatment by an extreme cold it is possible to esteem in addition on my site http: // kriol. boom. ru