Просмотр полной версии : At me the right lymphonodus on a neck one year ago has increased (more precisely he is she...

06.07.2004, 21:07
At me the right lymphonodus on a neck (more precisely he is to a neck and as though under a jaw) one year ago has increased. Does not hurt, any inconveniences does not deliver, besides that he is increased. Tell or say, with what it can be connected? Whether it is possible to tell or say with confidence, what is it good-quality process, instead of malignant? Or all taki should be surveyed it or him? C.

Soldatskij J.L.
07.07.2004, 07:02
Most likely the augmentation submandibular is l/site connected with any pathology in a drink or pharynx - an adenoid disease, a pathology of a teeth, etc. Just in case it is meaningful to make the clinical analysis of a blood what precisely to exclude malignant process the biopsy (better - in onkotsentre) is necessary.

08.07.2004, 15:30
Prompt, please, where it is possible to make it? Will cost How much, whether preliminary preparation for carrying out of a biopsy is necessary? On how much it is morbid procedure? Thanks.