Просмотр полной версии : The doctor, on November, 19th have removed tonsils, has passed or has taken place 2 weeks, and the pain does not pass or take place. Vra...

The novel
03.07.2004, 09:02
The doctor, on November, 19th have removed tonsils, has passed or has taken place 2 weeks, and the pain does not pass or take place. The doctor speaks, what is it normally, but me kazhetjasja something not that. Your opinion

The novel
03.07.2004, 11:22
Than it is possible uskort process of neogenesis? C

Zlotnikov K.L.
04.07.2004, 20:23
The novel, usually pain passes or takes place quickly enough, but not always. It is desirable to look or see a throat, and if there it's OK it is necessary to have patience, try to speak, accept more vitamins gr. Century