Просмотр полной версии : Hello, the doctor! I suffer hr. tozillitom. For prophylaxis I rinse throats...

Victor To.
29.06.2004, 09:04
Hello, the doctor!
I suffer hr. tozillitom. For prophylaxis I rinse a throat slabosolevym a solution with addition nastoki an iodine, and then I grease tonsils with tincture of Propolisum on medical to alcohol. Tell or say, it is not dangerous? Or it is better to dilute propolisnuju tincture with water? And in what proportions?

The doctor of an ENT V.I.Kochenov.
29.06.2004, 11:39
For prophylaxis it is better to use broths of grasses. Such agents will constantly cause or call atrophic changes of a mucosa. And at an exacerbation and such gargles are good. Esteem clause or article about our method at a tonsillitis (the same question a little after you on the same page)