Просмотр полной версии : At the child of 9 years a cervical link sided lymphadenitis of a unknown parentage....

27.06.2004, 19:35
At the child of 9 years a cervical link sided lymphadenitis of a unknown parentage. After consultation with vrachom-infektsionistom have been redirected to the stomatologist. Stomatologists delete kariesnye a teeth, but nevidjat in it or this the reason of disease. Duration of a lymphadenitis of 5 weeks. How to reveal the reason of disease? To what expert to address? What analyses will reveal the center of an infection? Whether antibiotics are necessary? Where it is possible to receive the qualified consultation and treatment? In advance blagoldarna.

Soldatskij J.L.
29.06.2004, 06:43
Cervical lymphadenitis it is possible to develop at any infection in oral cavities, drinks or pharynxes, ORVI, etc. Therefore show the child also otorinolaringologu. The center of an infection will be not not revealed with any analyses. It is possible to speak about necessity of any analyses and antibiotics only after survey.