Просмотр полной версии : Hello! I have pains in a throat 2 months. That is stronger, is more weak. As though...

22.06.2004, 10:57
Hello! I have pains in a throat 2 months. That is stronger, is more weak. As though something prevents to swallow from the right party or side. As morning of it or this I do not feel, but to the extremity or end of day of a pain amplify. Drank antibiotics, rinsed or gargled a throat, but nothing helps or assists. What to do or make?

Shinkarenko V.S.
23.06.2004, 20:05
Sergey, antibiotics in this case are not shown, if there is no rise of temperature. Most likely at you a pharyngitis. Matters psiho-the emotional factor, smoking, presence of a gastritis in the past. These factors provoke an exacerbation of a pharyngitis.
I do not recommend you to be treated most. Follow doctor's instructions which will examine you. That at you in a throat, the choice of a medicine depends also. Yours faithfully, Century With.