Просмотр полной версии : The doctor, me 2 oh month excruciates hum in an ear (or ears, sometimes at all ponima...

17.06.2004, 11:02
The doctor, me 2 oh month excruciates hum in an ear (or ears, sometimes at all I do not understand) sometimes passing in a ring, I hear it or him only when I am in a silent situation. 2 and month has had been ill with an otitis back, accepted amoksiklav, drops in ears, etc. the Otitis has passed or has taken place, hum in an ear has decreased, but disturbs, still all this time after an otitis disturbs a rhinitis. Thanks.

Toropov E.N. hstom119@yandex.ru
17.06.2004, 16:26
Tim, descend or go on reception to the doctor, in absentia such questions to not solve. You can have a chronic eustachitis, and the neuritis of an acoustical nerve can also - inspection is necessary