Lena To.
16.06.2004, 16:40

Doctor V.I.Kochenov.
17.06.2004, 14:42
It is absolutely counter-indicative always!
Kochenov Century And.
The Nizhniy Novgorod center of medical researches.
Russia, 603104, N.Novgorod, Medical, 1.
E-mail: kriol@kis. ru

The first precedents of use of ultralow cooling of tissues of pharynx and nasal cavity in 60 70 years have been connected with aspiration to destroy completely palatine tonsils at an adenoid disease, to make a destruction with the subsequent casting-off of tissues, decrease of volume of nasal conchas at rhinites. They had obviously expressed surgical character. Techniques were applied for this purpose long (for 3 and more minutes) freezings with adhesion at ultralow temperature krioapplikatorov. The postoperative period proceeded rather hardly, the cryolysis borrowed or occupied a lot of time.
Gradually techniques of cryogenic treatment of a throat and a nose at series most often arising inflammatory and allergic diseases were transformed aside decreases of an exposition of cooling. It is remarkable, that those experts who have not caught expediency of this tendency of modification of the approach to cryogenic treatment of a throat and a nose, in the majority have absolutely stopped to apply deep cooling.
Experience of the Nizhniy Novgorod otolaryngologists has shown, that at an adenoid disease, a pharyngitis, an adenoiditis, vazomotorno-an allergic rhinitis in the majority of situations it is not necessary to aspire to irreversible destructions of great volumes of tissues, that very valuable medical effect can be received at freezing the amazed or struck tissues without adhesion and with literally second exposition of applications. And, such kriovozdejstvie does not give however or as or destruction of tissues essential on volume to carry it or him to cryosurgical it is impossible, though are applied krioinstrumenty with temperature of the working surface which are coming nearer a mark of boiling of liquid nitrogen.
The period of gradual transformation when in a drink or pharynx and nasal cavities carried cryogenic treatment to a floor to surgical ways of treatment is historically traced. And now partial destroying or blasting influence on palatine tonsils has many supporters. Such kriolechenie at an adenoid disease name kriotonzillotomiej. In fact for one session of cryogenic influence, even when the purpose of the doctor - full excision of a tonsil, is carried out triple zamorazhivanie-thawing, to destroy it or her completely without damage of surrounding tissues it is not obviously possible, is exposed to a cryolysis and any layer, a part of a tissue of a tonsil is torn away only. However, it has been noticed, what even after one, only a partial cryolysis disappearance or eradication of chronic inflammatory process is marked or celebrated in most cases.
The following step on a way of reduction of an exposition of cooling at treatment of pharynx has made in the beginning 70 h years A.I.Rylkin. At use of the big applicator on the area at ultralow temperature without adhesion he has limited an exposition of cooling to only 10 15 seconds and carried out procedure without repetition of cycles zamorazhivanija-thawing. This technique - something an average between kriotonzillotomiej and cryotherapy of palatine tonsils, it or her it is possible to name sparing kriotonzillotomiej. An opportunity to dose out freezing by time of a touch krioapplikatorom without adhesion, absence of phobia vmorazhivanija the instrument and occurrence of uncontrollable cooling with necessity to use emergency having warmed a handpiece, have approached a technique of cryogenic treatment of a throat to a therapeutic variant.
This tendency was promoted all by new data on a huge physiological role of palatine tonsils and other clumps of an adenoid tissue for maintenance of the diversified important functions of an organism. Excision, especially at children's age of palatine tonsils, becomes the reason of an immunodeficiency, retardation of body height, even weakenings of mental faculties. In advanced age the people subjected before a tonsilectomy, earlier and is more often fall or are ill with a cancer. And exacerbations of inflammations in a drink or pharynx and ORVI arise more often. Occured in middle XX of a century or blepharon the tendency to blame for development of the most various diseases palatine tonsils and ruthlessly to delete them, has not justified itself. In many respects, owing to use of cryogenic treatment, it became obvious, that the adenoid disease perfectly recovers terapevticheski with conservation of the important immunocompetent organ and its or his invaluable functions.
The technique sparing kriotonzillotomii (on A.I.Rylkinu) consist in exercise of uniinstantly or one-stage unitary freezing all open surface of a palatine tonsil by specially designed instrument [7] with maximal (up to - 168 - 170) the cooled working surface without adhesion [1]. The instrument was cooled due to submission of liquid nitrogen by the base medical cryogenic equipment or installation "Penguin" under pressure in 6 7 atm. Visualization of a surgery field, remission of an oral cavity of steams of a moisture were provided with a design of the apparatus (ampere-second. The USSR 555881). Cooling was dosed out by time of pressing of the cooled applicator to a palatine tonsil, the exposition made 10 15 seconds.
Such technique is used more, than at 10 thousand patients with an adenoid disease, the remote results [4, 6], shown full treatment at 30 % of patients are studied and estimated or investigated and estimated;studied and appreciated;investigated and appreciated at observation even more than 7 years, disappearance or eradication of exacerbations of a tonsillitis at 85 % within 1 year after treatment. Necessity to repeat procedure kriolechenija in 2 3 years has arisen at 50 % of patients. It was necessary to resort to a tonsilectomy only at 8 %.
It has simultaneously appeared, that after sparing kriotonzillotomii vse-taki at 35 40 % of patients the exacerbation of inflammatory process with development of an angina, strong pains and high rise of temperature next day was marked or celebrated. Thus the working capacity, certainly, was lost, special treatment was required.
Besides even in conditions of local anesthesia, with the expressed pharyngeal reflex it was complex or difficult to people to transfer or carry a mechanical touch in a throat within 10 15 seconds, often there was the vomitive reflex interfered qualitative performance kriovozdejstvija.
To the extremity or end of the first day after sparing kriotonzillotomii on all surface of tonsils arose continuous dense krionekrotichesky a scab kept till 5 7 days. All this time marked or celebrated also pains, the risk of development of an exacerbation of inflammatory process was saved. In fact the scab covered the lacunas, the infected cavities of cryptas of palatine tonsils appeared closed, as provoked a pyesis.
Therefore the technique of cryogenic treatment of palatine tonsils also has received the further development aside more sparing, cleanly therapeutic use of ultralow temperature. Within 18 years we apply cryotherapy of pharynx by a small applicator on the area (3, 5 4 mm) with smoothly polished spherical surface. It krioinstrument which originally intended for intranasal kriovozdejstvy or freezings of tissues at a direct laryngoscope [5], it has appeared it is most convenient to application and for treatment of pharynx. In the complete set of independent device " " already was this feature is stipulated, the universal attachment or nozzle is created, which one is adequate primenima both in a drink or pharynx, and in a nose, and in a larynx at a direct laryngoscope. The small as much as possible cooled applicator enabled to touch a surface of palatine tonsils so that ostiums of cryptas were not exposed to freezing. Touches krioapplikatorom without adhesion carried out to a palatine tonsil 2 5 multiply, depending on the individual size of its or her open surface between lacunas in the field of the top, average and bottom pole with an exposition of a touch of 1 3 seconds. Krionekroz after that did not arise, easy or light;mild fibrinous scurf was available within 1 day away from ustev cryptas, acute pains, the rise in temperature, no complications arose. Such treatment was carried out is out-patient, without an abruption of the patient from a usual rhythm of a life.
The therapeutic effect of cryotherapy under the analysis of results of treatment at 3 thousand sick of a tonsillitis has appeared not less expressed, than after sparing kriotonzillotomii [3]. Moreover, properties of practically not damaging or injuring, gentle cryotherapy of palatine tonsils, have allowed to expand essentially indications for this medical manipulation, to recommend it or her for mass application as universal immunostimulirujushchego agents - at often ill or sick virus catarrhal diseases, a flu, the weakened or easied patients with attributes of an immunodeficiency, as a component of actions of a cryosurgical preventive oncology at struggle against tumoral manifestations papillomavirusov. It is caused by offensive or approach of the whole series of clinically objectively defined or determined medical effects of local therapeutic cooling (on I.S.Tchernyshov http: // www. medcryonika. ru/sovr. html)
SH Augmentation of the maintenance or contents of an interferon from a tissue, decrease of number of "zero" leucocytes at augmentation of number of natural killers;
SH Improvement of outflow of a lymph from tissues, liquidation of puffiness of a lymphatic parentage;
SH Improvement of microblood circulation in tissues, augmentation of an arterial blood flow and substantially venous outflow, decrease of infiltration of a vascular parentage
SH miorelaksatsija - depression of a basal tonus of muscles of pharynx;
SH Improvement of a trophicity of a tissue;
SH Blocking notsitseptivnoj conductions and risings of a painful threshold;
SH Stimulation regeneratornyh mechanisms.
SH The structural modulation of immunity kept in terms from one month till 2 3 years;
SH Recorded relative quantitative and qualitative augmentation of number of a red and white blood;
SH Rising activity renin-angiotenzin-aldosteronovoj systems and systems of coagulability of a blood;
SH Improvement of saturation of erythrocytes by oxygen, rising partial pressure of oxygen, depression of need or requirement of tissues in oxygen;
SH Essential decrease of affinity of erythrocytes to 2;
SH Depression of quantity or amount of catecholamins, tolerances to a glucose, chuvstvi-telnosti to an insulin;
SH Decrease quantity or amount IqE (reaginov), raises or increases IqA, IqM;
SH vbros during a hypothermia opioidnyh endofinov, that causes partial general or common anesthetizing effect.
The listed local medical reactions occuring or happening as a result of cryotherapy, should salutarily affect, not cause or call stimulations of natural protective functions of an adenoid tissue of pharynx which in turn improve a status, make active or will activate and facilitate realization of mechanisms of an immune reactivity as a whole of all organism of the patient who has received krioterapevticheskoe treatment of palatine tonsils. Therefore sparing cryotherapy of pharynx can be used in complex treatment of all diseases at which it is desirable immunostimuljatsija, an immunocorrection. It is impossible to miss in the long term and huge preventive immunostimulirujushchie opportunities of cryotherapy of a throat as procedure is transferred or carried very easily, can be quite included or switched quite on in a complex of various medical preventive actions.
We investigated or researched efficiency of cryotherapy of the pharynx which are carried out as preventive action for decrease of frequency of catarrhal diseases, ORVI and a flu at the several large industrial enterprises in groups of people, often (more than 2 3 yearly) compelled or forced to take a hospital leaf or sheet in connection with an acute virus infection of the top respiratory ways, an angina. Spent at 550 often ill or sick people krioprofilaktika by exercise of cryotherapy of pharynx and a nose has shown, that the quantity or amount of hospital sheets following year has decreased at them in 2, 5 times that it is possible to explain only stimulation of the general or common immune reactivity.
Disappearance or Eradication of signs of a local chronic inflammation in a drink or pharynx is caused also by normalization of a microbial saprophytic structure on a mucosa, in cryptas of tonsils. If to explain presence of an inflammation by a prevailation of quantity or amount of one certain active conditionally pathogenic microorganism or a fungus kriovozdejstvie represents itself as it is unique adequately effective medical influence. In fact even at short-term freezing at ultralow temperature devitalizirujutsja in incomparable a lot those microorganisms (funguses, viruses, mycoplasmas ) which it is more in unit of volume of a mucosa which are the concrete originator. Their devitalization facilitates a finding and realization of immune ways of neutralization of this originator. Let alone that the microorganisms destroyed by freezing are easily englobed. Thus, devitalizirovannye as a result kriovozdejstvija microorganisms represent itself as an original marker, ukazki for immunity of an individual - here your enemy. Is not that so, this mechanism of realization of therapeutic action of cryotherapy very much reminds effect of an inoculation, and automatically individualized, homeopathic inoculation. In her, certainly, there is also a fabric component - own inflamed tissue becomes foreign. After that local and general or common autoimmune mechanisms of self-healing are automatically started all. And quality of these medical reactions in the smallest degree depends on quantity or amount formed due to kriovozdejstvija antigens. It once again proves expediency of practical use of a variant of cryotherapy at ultralow temperature of a small handpiece at a second exposition.
Not looking at that risk of occurrence of an exacerbation of purulent inflammatory process after cryotherapy of palatine tonsils insignificant, experience has shown that at presence of attributes of an adenoid disease before procedure it is necessary to spend special preparation.
If took place though any attributes of a chronic inflammation of palatine tonsils, a lavage of cryptas considered or counted as antiseptics before cryotherapy absolutely obligatory. Carried out it or him at presence purulent separated by a course daily 3 5 times before treatment by a cold and at all patients directly ahead of cryotherapy. At free permeability of cryptas made krioproduvanie lacunas of palatine tonsils the cooled oxygen [8].
At the phenomena of a clump dense a proside in cryptas iz-for narrowings of lacunas of tonsils before cryotherapy not less, than for a week, carried out surgical low-frequency ultrasonic influence intralakunarno. With the Same method opened retentsionnye cysts, sometimes even punched sounded striktorom a tissue of a tonsil in those sites where full disappearance or eradication of lacunas was marked or celebrated, and in the anamnesis there were indicatings on occurrence paratonzilljarnyh abscesses.
Applied before cryotherapy of a throat laser treatment by infra-red impulsive radiation (apparatus " Pattern ") directing or referring it or him outside chrezkozhno in a submandibular zone and behind an angle of a mandible. A course used this kind of laser therapy at presence of inflammatory reaction regionarnyh lymphonoduses. And unitary applied directly ahead of cryotherapy. Gelij-neon laserotherapy through a light guide applied in a contact variant from a submandibular zone [10].
At children before kroioimmunostimuljatsiej and treatment by a cold of inflammatory processes in a drink or pharynx in case of presence of an adenoiditis and vydeleny in a nasopharynx used as preparation a method of moving of medical products (ku-kushku).
The technique preventive immunostimulirujushchej cryotherapies [2] included, as a rule, easy or light;mild local anesthesia obryzgivaniem with or greasing of a mucosa of pharynx of 10 % by Lidocainum. Local anesthesia did not apply practically only at small children with the palatine tonsils of great volume supporting forward nebnuju the handle. Cryotherapy in these cases was absolutely painless, and greasing by Lidocainum has caused or called in small children more rough negative reaction, than all procedure of cryotherapy. At adults easy or light;mild local anesthesia was necessary to remove or take off a vomitive reflex, to provide during cryotherapy an opportunity to press with a spatula on a lobby nebnuju the handle, as much as possible to liberate iz-for the handle the open surface of a palatine tonsil. Besides procedure of cryotherapy of a throat at the majority of patients necessarily joined also influence on lymphoid granules, the lateral platens, the expanded vessels of a back wall of pharynx which without anesthesia would be rather morbid. Approximately at half of patients preliminary survey revealed or taped inflammatory changes, augmentation of a lingual tonsil that gave the basis for including or incorporation in a zone krioterapevticheskih influences and a root of tongue [9], that without anesthesia qualitatively to execute not really.
It is necessary to note, that at preventive immunostimulirujushchej cryotherapies of a throat it was a question in most cases any more of presence of background process in the form of an adenoid disease, it was necessary to deal with all spectrum of a chronic pathology of pharynx. And most often it was necessary to meet the phenomena of a mycosis of mucous pharynx, in particular a candidiasis arising iz-for the unjustified regular uses of antibiotics at virus catarrhal diseases, a flu, a chronic pharyngitis, iz-for frequent selftreatments with application of antibiotics. In these situations to punctual or dot very short-term influence by as much as possible cooled applicator subjected places of presence of the most expressed scurf on mucous drinks or pharynxes and outside of lymphoid educations. Though and kriovozdejstvie on lymphoid educations as necessarily carried out.
Depending on anatomic features, expressions of the phenomena of a hypertrophic pharyngitis, a mycosis carried out at one patient from 3 4 up to 12 15 touches as much as possible cooled thin krioapplikatorom to a mucosa of pharynx in the listed sites without adhesion with an exposition in 1 3 seconds, in each floor or field kriovozdejstvija. After each touch an applicator to mucous drinks or pharynxes its or his end wiped a napkin with alcohol to remove slices of the iced over saliva, slime. Repeatedly applicator with such applyings on a working surface in a pharynx did not enter, as they could cause or call occurrence of undesirable adhesion. For realization of a described technique of cryogenic therapy by the most convenient and it is real primenimym there was portable independent apparatus " " which works practically bezinertsionno, that is the temperature on an applicator is literally for a second falls up to ultralow value or meanings;importance, is easily supported or maintained at this level and as in a second it is carried out if necessary passive having warmed a working part.
Almost at 80 % often ill or sick patients by whom cryotherapy of pharynx was carried out immunostimulirujushchaja, the phenomena vazomotorno-an allergic rhinitis were marked or celebrated. In parallel with frequent catarrhal diseases infinitely disturbed also exacerbations of a rhinitis. It, certainly, has dictated necessity of search of a sparing cryogenic technique of treatment and this chronic pathological status of a nose which would not be kriokonhotomiej, was transferred or carried easily, without uteri working capacities, spent is out-patient and simultaneously with cryotherapy of a throat.
Clearly, that all therapeutic effects of short-term cooling of the mucosa, listed above are positive, take place and at treatment by a cold in a nasal cavity even if and to not achieve a cryolysis skol-or appreciable volume of nasal conchas. Expediency kriokonhotomii at vazomotorno-an allergic rhinitis, the pathological phenomena at which have especially functional vascular character, arises only in those situations when vazodilatatsija gets proof, constant character (cease to operate or work vasoconstrictive drops). In other situations treatment in ultralow temperatures, in our opinion, should be characterized kriorefleksoterapii. In the very first edition of the monography of the professor of Century Vogralika CHzhen-TSzju therapy has been published the scheme or plan of reflexogenic zones of a nasal cavity taken from ancient Chinese sources. According to these or it;this svedenijachm, for a status of a vascular tonus, a lumen of respiratory ways there were "responsible or crucial" zones of the forward extremities or ends of the bottom and average nasal conchas. These data have been confirmed J.A.Rylkina's by dissertational research about positive influence kriovozdejstvija in a nasal cavity on current of a bronchial asthma. At vazomotorno-allergicheskorm a rhinitis we also have chosen these sites of a mucosa of a nasal cavity as a zone of the short-term application as much as possible cooled krioapplikatora for exercise intranasal kriorefleksoterapii the top respiratory ways which is accompanied by rising of a tonus of vessels of a nasal cavity.
In the same sites to the greatest degree intensively there is an education of complexes an antigen + an antibody when at an allergic rhinitis of structure or frame of a mucosa of a nose carry out a role of a complement. In fact with a zone of forward departments of an average and bottom nasal concha allergen first of all adjoins at its or his ocurrence in a nasal cavity to air. Therefore the medical effect of intranasal cryotherapy at an allergic rhinitis should be seen and in that. That the complex an antigen + an antibody + a complement as a result even short-term freezing itself becomes an antigen. Intimal natural immune process of self-healing of allergic displays of a rhinitis is as a result started. Both he certainly wears also the general or common generalizovannyj effect. Therefore in most cases we used obshcheozdoravlivajushchuju immunostimulirujushchuju cryotherapy of pharynx together with intranasal kriorefleksoterapiej.
Thus, obshcheozdoravlivajushchaja krioterapevticheskaja procedure in the top respiratory ways got following character. After survey and if was necessary, preparations for cryotherapy, carried out local anesthesia by Lidocainum of pharynx of a nasal cavity. Processed alcohol, dried up and as much as possible cooled due to active circulation of liquid nitrogen inside of a cannula (before occurrence of Membranula or film passively szhizhaemogo from air of oxygen on a surface of an applicator) a straight line long krionakonechnik with slightly convex rounded off smooth working end. Touched with an exposition of 1 2 3 seconds a surface of palatine tonsils, lymphoid granules of a back wall of pharynx, lateral platens, a root of tongue, then to the forward extremities or ends of average and bottom nasal conchas.
Manipulation was transferred or carried by overwhelming number of patients absolutely easily. However at 1 person from 100 rise in temperature up to high marks was marked or celebrated nevertheless. That, probably, it is interfaced or integrated to an individual hypersensibility to a cold. To all patients recommended on a regular basis, simultaneously with morning and evening clearing a teeth, gargles of pharynx broths of medicinal grasses (a camomile, evkalipt, a sage ). If there has been begun a course of laser therapy, it or he was continued up to 10 procedures and after cryotherapy. Recommended houses to use within a week in addition light portable red laser ukazki in a nose and in a throat for 5 10 minutes.
After the described procedure of 60 % of patients ascertain full disappearance or eradication of catarrhal diseases ( for the first time the cold season passes or takes place without anginas, a flu, constants ORVI, hospital sheets, misses or passings of study ). At 80 % of children passed or took place an adenoiditis, in cases of a disputable situation, to delete or to not delete adenoides at 11 degrees of their hypertrophy, indications to operation disappeared. About 30 % mark or celebrate for 2 3 years appreciable decrease of number of colds and the malaises connected with a virus infection. Only 10 % interrogated in 1 2 years after immunostimulirujushchej ascertained cryotherapies of a throat and a nose, that have not noticed ozdoravlivajushchego effect of procedure. Probably it is connected with individual pessimistic features of character of these people. Almost always at these patients the most expressed phenomena allergic rinosinuita were marked or celebrated.
Cryotherapy, being easily transferable or tolerable and immunostimulirujushchej manipulation, certainly, should repeat through the certain time interval. Usually we recommend to repeat preventive immunostimulirujushchuju cryotherapy of a throat and a nose in a month, then through a floor of year, in a year and then in three years on a regular basis during all human life.
That cryotherapy of a throat and a nose rendered immunostimulirujushchee antiviral influence, allows to recommend it or her for use in a complex of preventive oncologic cryogenic manipulations at struggle with oncogenous papillomavirusami and their tumoral manifestations.
Cryotherapy by the described technique is simple and for realization by the doctor practically any speciality. Certainly she is closer to otolaryngologists, but in the long term it or her the dermatologists elementary owning a frontal mirror and a spatula can quite carry out and pediatrists, therapists, even, mastered elementary independent cryogenic devices.
Obshcheozdoravlivajushchuju stimulating sparing cryotherapy already now can be recommended for wide polyclinic practical use.

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