Просмотр полной версии : At me sometimes pawns ears during a dream. At my mum too sometimes byvae...

07.06.2004, 20:26
At me sometimes pawns ears during a dream.
My mum too sometimes has a hum in a head and pawns ears. With what it is connected?

08.06.2004, 16:44
Elena, it is not absolutely clear - as you learn or find out, what at you ears if you sleep are incorporated? Hum in a head and zalozhennost ears at your mum can arise from many reasons: the chronic tubo-otitis, a lesion of acoustical nerves, a vascular pathology of an internal ear or a head, etc. the Concrete reason and treatment are established or installed after survey and inspection. It will be better, if you at once address to otonevrologu. If in your city there is no such expert it is necessary to address to otorinolaringologu and to the neuropathologist.
Olga Viktorovna, otonevrolog, scientific research institute of the Neurology of Russian Academy of Medical Science, grutas@online. ru