Просмотр полной версии : Hello the doctor! Some years pereodicheski pawn a nose. If posm...

06.06.2004, 11:45
Hello the doctor!
Some years pereodicheski pawn a nose. If to look or see in nasal apertures it is possible to see red vyrosty in size with small fasoliny. They close an input or entrance for air and I feel deprived air. Periodically it is necessary to drip drops for narrowing these outgrowths. I understand, what is it not an output or exit. Once on consultation the doctor has advised to wash out fiz. A solution. But it not so that helps or assists. Whether is kordinalnyj a way out (not operational)?

06.06.2004, 14:59
Hello the doctor! Some years very much often pawn a nose, in the afternoon and especially at night. If to look or see in nasal apertures it is possible to see red vyrosty in size with small fasoliny. They close an input or entrance for air and I feel deprived air. Periodically it is necessary to drip drops for narrowing these outgrowths. I understand, what is it not an output or exit. Once on consultation the doctor has advised to wash out fiz. A solution. But it not so helps or assists. Whether is kordinalnyj a way out (not operational)? Thanks.

Leshkova E.J.
08.06.2004, 02:39
It not outgrowths, and the bottom nasal conchas. So happens at a vasculomotor rhinitis, at an allergic rhinitis. Any sosudosuzhivajushchiem drops in a nose worsen a status mucous a nose (the more and dlitelnee you use drops, the worse at you the nose breathes). Now there are very good preparations (aerosolic) - fliksonaze or nazoneks. But survey is necessary for their purpose or appointment for an ENT, it is necessary to exclude presence of a purulent genyantritis.