Просмотр полной версии : Good morning. Help or assist, please to make a decision. At the girl of 16 years hronich...

31.05.2004, 19:01
Good morning. Help or assist, please to make a decision.
At the girl of 16 years an adenoid disease and farengit. Doctors recommend to delete tonsils. What consequences can be after operation? Than it is possible to treat effectively these illnesses or diseases if the organism "is already overfed" by antibiotics? Ochen there is no information on these illnesses or diseases!
Many thanks!

Soldatskij J.L.
01.06.2004, 00:33
HOW often there are anginas?
As preventive treatment use a lavage of lacunas of tonsils (courses 2-4 times a year), a physiotherapy 2 times year, a gargle of a throat, at exacerbations are necessary to apply antibiotics.
In case of occurrence of complications hr. A tonsillitis - paratonzilljarnyj an abscess, a pathology from heart, kidneys, joints of a tonsil it is necessary to delete immediately. At an inefficiency of conservative treatment as operation is shown.
After operation the exacerbation of a pharyngitis is possible or probable, development of an asthma (happens seldom) is possible or probable

02.06.2004, 05:46
The last summer was ill or sick with a funicular angina, laid in hospital month. Recorded complication on heart. After that practically the throat, often with rise in temperature every month hurts. The throat gargles practically constantly. One week ago the throat, .37,3-38 too was ill, the neck has started to swell up. Doctors put the diagnosis-epidemic parotitis. But now the tumour is not present, temperature in norm or rate. The ENT-doctor has put the final diagnosis - hr.tonzillit. Speak, that after operation diseases by a bronchitis, pneumonias become frequent. Whether so it? Thanks.

Soldatskij J.L.
03.06.2004, 03:41
Tonsils need to be removed.
After excision of tonsils there can be bronchites, but in your case is more dangerous to leave tonsils than to be afraid of possible or probable subsequent catarrhal diseases.