Просмотр полной версии : Hello, the doctor! After visit to the doctor (uhogorlonos) to the child (5, 5 year...

31.05.2004, 12:49
Hello, the doctor! After visit to the doctor (uhogorlonos) to the child (5, 5 years) have diagnosed: adenoides 2 3 degree, also have given a direction on operation. Now I cost or stand at the crossroads: to operate or not. Have entered the name on consultation to a homeopathist, it would be desirable to hear from you competent opinion in occasion of the operation, many speak, that it is not necessary to do or make, often happens, that they again grow, so for example our familiar with the child in 2 years go to delete adenoides. Other doctors speak, that adenoides can give complication in the further and very serious! How to be? In advance thanks!

31.05.2004, 22:01
In the childhood I had a same situation adenojdy and tonsils too have been increased, but on operation mum and has disagreed. Any problems and has not arisen. Perfectly myself I feel.

Doctor V.I.Kochenov.
01.06.2004, 01:58
Such adenoides for the child age norm or rate. It is necessary lishch to treat inflammatory protses with in them - an adenoiditis.
Adenoides 11. is a norm or rate. At the child a chronic adenoiditis - an inflammation of adenoides which provokes otites, sinuites. Often all this nabljudeaetsja simultaneously with an allergic rhinitis (periodically 1/2 Tavegilums for the night give) and always on a background of frequent catarrhal diseases. ORVI. Anginas. As you were already convinced, and I about it or this almost daily write to conferences operation of an adenotomy at adenidite does not solve a problem and more often is not shown. The cicatrix was really formed, he should be formed after such operation, but adenoides completely to remove relzja, operation is only a dissecting away of some acting part and all. After repeated operatsuii it will be natural cicatrix even more and more raspingly, here it or him that you will not remove, he remains for all life. Certainly each child should pass or take place through the period of frequent catarrhal diseases, it just and is the period of formation of immunity. At any cold adenoides at once increase temporarily or are temporarily enlarged, and if colds frequent have not time to come to norm or rate. The purpose of treatment - to make cold of as more as possible rare or infrequent, to liquidate an inflammation immediately in adenoides. To all this - due to only immunostimuljatsii and local influences on an adenoid tissue the method of cryotherapy of a throat and a nose (is Most adequate for today to therapy, instead of surgery as many ENTs its or her doctors name, it nepovredzhdajushchee influence at ultralow temperature) see kriol. boom. ru in a management or manual the chapter or head about cryotherapy. + antiinflammatory or anti-inflammatory drops laying with as much as possible thrown back head, even Albucidum + 1, 0 adrenalines with 1 2 drops of Dimexidum on a vial or flask, in such position after zakapyvanija it is necessary to lie down some minutes. Drops all over again every day, then less often and less often, further on a status. It is not necessary to drip every day! NOT smorkatsja is the REASON of OTITES And GENYANTRITES. Better shmygat a nose in itself. Mucous a nose in general all drives in novu back, and then contents are swallowed. Inhalations about a steam or ferry of medicinal grasses 2 3 times a week through a nose to inhale, it or this ovarom to rinse or gargle daily throats, always, as we clean a teeth. One day in a week 1 ampoule of an interferon on 1 to. In an hour per a nose per any position iskapat it is possible to do or make it longly (only time in 2 3 months to change an interferon on timogen, velozen...) . The course lajf pak junior from Vision - is better in addition to cryotherapy. Zakalivanie - legs or foots to rinse with cold water in the evening and to pound or triturate a towel. An alternating douche, a bath with a snow... All complex of national agents at exacerbations. To shine periodically in a nose red laser ukazkoj back along a septum and on a lateral wall for 10 15 minutes in the evening. Adenoides will execute the immunologic role on studying new to an organism infeketsionnyh agents and will disappear by 12 14 years, at adult adenoides are not present. What for so jaro them to tear out? gosrod (nature) did not frame superfluous organs.