Просмотр полной версии : Hello. At me a chronic hypertrophic rhinitis and iskrevlenie noses...

25.05.2004, 01:35
Hello. At me a chronic hypertrophic rhinitis and iskrevlenie a nasal septum. In a warm season at me the sensation zalozhennosti is simple. But as soon as the rain begins or is simply cool at me there begins videljatsja white slime which flows down in a throat and there is such sensation as though in a nose all is inflamed.
Did or Made cauterization (I do not know as this procedure precisely is called) and a cryolysis - has not helped or assisted. Now the doctor suggests to make repeated cauterization. But other doctor approves or confirms, that it or this to do or make it is impossible, t. To. It is possible perezhech and will be even worse. Whether so it? Whether it is necessary to do or make cauterization if back conchas are increased? And more other doctor has offered operation (will remove conchas). Tell or say please, what possible or probable consequences of operation? Can it is necessary to make and to not be excruciated it or her?

Soldatskij J.L.
25.05.2004, 06:22
Try to use spray Fliksonaze or Nazoneks on 2 sprays in each half of nose once a day during 1 mes (the effect can be shown through 7 - 10 days of application). If effect will not be - to make repeated cauterizations better