Просмотр полной версии : Hello, the doctor! I already asked a question, have just read through yours otve...

15.05.2004, 20:47
Hello, the doctor!
I already asked a question, have just read through your answer. Explain, please, why you advise to not consider or examine;survey a variant with zamorozkoj tonsils (which does or makes Kochenov in N.Novgorode)?

Zlotnikov K.L.
16.05.2004, 20:37
Natalia, a cryolysis of tonsils not such harmless method of treatment as its or his many predstavljajut-after influence by a cold there is a necrosis of a tissue and turns out, that b-j in current 2 h weeks goes with the devitalized tonsils in a throat and waits for their casting-off, it is not necessary to forget, that the doctor who is carrying out this procedure, cannot precisely represent how much deeply occurs or happens promorazhivanie tkani-t. e. There can be as not full "excision", and excessive. Such treatment, vsvjazi with above listed to be spent seldom enough and basically when the patient cannot transfer or carry usual operation.