Просмотр полной версии : Hello! After excision of an aural fuse (6 mes) me disturbs constant...

13.05.2004, 14:55
Hello! After excision of an aural fuse (6 mes) me disturbs constant hum in one ear, even more often arises sensation zalozhennosti and a hearing loss on den-two. Traumas, colds was not. The doctor has diagnosed: a neurosensory bradyacuasia. An audiogram normal. Treatment (kavintol, nootropin) does not help or assist. Prompt, where still I can address

Leshkova E.J.
14.05.2004, 23:29
If an audiogram normal it is not clear why at you a neurosensory bradyacuasia? From the described signs not clearly, whether there are at you problems: 1) with nasal respiration; 2) whether rises at you AD or on the contrary decreases; 3) whether there is an effect at an insufflation of acoustical pipes and a pneumomassage of tympanic membranes or eardrums (it is done or made in an ENT a cabinet or study).