Просмотр полной версии : The doctor, prompt, please, what medicines treat an angina. At the husband...

Olga L.
13.05.2004, 15:55
The doctor, prompt, please, what medicines treat an angina. The husband is hurted strongly with a throat, are visible naryvchiki, tussis, is not present temperature. To the doctor to go does not want. The gargle while does not give result. What it is possible to undertake? Thanks.

Arhipova J.V.
13.05.2004, 21:05
olga, certainly your husband should go to the doctor. As classical treatment use antibiotics (a wide spectrum of action), gargles, plentiful drink, dry heat on area of a neck (at all do not use spirituous compresses in the given situation). But it is better to not risk and to not be engaged in a selftreatment!