Просмотр полной версии : The doctor, at the child a constant rhinitis during 6 months, vydele...

The barbarian
11.05.2004, 05:56
The doctor, at the child a constant rhinitis during 6 months, allocation transparent, roentgens has not shown presence of a genyantritis, the doctor plainly has told or said nothing (he in general any reticent was with us, to my questions did not respond, at us in city such quality of medicine), but has appointed or nominated "Diazolinum", " gluconat of a calcium ", any ointment and fiziterapiju a nose, what is it can be you could not explain more in detail? Thankful in advance.

The doctor of an ENT V.I.Kochenov.
12.05.2004, 00:50
It vazomotoreno-an allergic rhinitis, - the most frequent pathology of a nose today. Treatment as is various, as well as ineffective.