Просмотр полной версии : Good afternoon! The doctor at me has put in pawn an ear then I at once have made kompres...

01.05.2004, 02:36
Good afternoon! The doctor at me has put in pawn an ear then I at once have made a compress, has wetted a cotton plug in camphoric or camphor alcohol and has put in an ear for the night after that at me has passed or has taken place a pain, but an ear the second day it is incorporated, not looking that I still dig in or instill in ear Sofradeks.
Tell or Say please, what medicines to me need to be accepted?
In advance thanks.

The doctor of an ENT V.I.Kochenov.
01.05.2004, 06:56
Sofradeks to drip it is not necessary - a tympanic membrane or an eardrum not pronitsaema for medicinal substances. Operate or work from a nose - the basic purpose to normalize function of an acoustical pipe: vasoconstrictive drops in a nose. Tavegilum to accept. A compress to do or make more is not necessary. In an ear it is possible to dig in or instill 2 3 days new drops - garazon.