Просмотр полной версии : Long inflammation of a throat

11.09.2003, 05:53
Good afternoon.

One and a half month ago has had a drink fair quantity or amount of beer with an ice then the throat slightly was ill. Actually, hurt few and the voice has not changed. There are no also other attributes of cold, type of temperature and delicacy (appetite brutal). At survey of a throat reddening on lobbies nebnyh is appreciable handles, and also on a back wall of pharynx where it is observed easy or light;mild granuleznost (lymph nodes on a neck are not increased and do not hurt). A quantity of a mucous secret is constantly allocated. At all this the certificate or act of a swallowing and long conversations pass or take place painlessly. Tried or tasted, according to doctors, to be treated by inhalers and so-called lozendzherami (sucking tablets), but they do not bring any effect (constantly I accept vitamin C, and also I eat an onions and garlic). Except for that I gargle a throat salty water, and now, being on South China sea, water directly from the sea at bathing. However, any positive effect it is not observed, there is no shift either in that, or in other party or side. It has fine bothered, and I start to worry. As to history - in 2000 had something similar, thus inhalations by Furacilinum and also did not bring greasing of pharynx by solution Ljugolja of effect. This piece last some months and, then, was gone somehow imperceptibly. That this can be and how to finish with it or this more quickly.
In advance blagodren.
PS. I live a year in Vietnam, it can be connected somehow with change of a climate?

30.09.2003, 05:25
It again Andrey!

It is very a pity, that yet has not received the answer. Signs keep the same, that has described in the previous message. Very much I hope to receive the answer.

With the best regards...

30.09.2003, 21:05
Hello Andrei!!!

You are absolutely right, it is possible to explain your status to that you have changed climatic conditions.
Probably, that to you not that will not help or assist. To explain it it is possible for that your organism has not got used to these conditions.
Continue to be treated, as were treated.
Probably, it will help or assist, and if is not present, excuse, I do not know.

Can to you, that be, the doctor of this forum will advise.

: (: (: (

01.10.2003, 11:00
I thank, Vein!

It is pleasant to receive the answer to the message. Though I and not the doctor, but teach series of biological disciplines at university, therefore some knowledge on anatomy and physiologies are available. In it or this the main difficulty, by the way, consists at dialogue with doctors, how much itself I try to get to the bottom of all. Similar, that at me all the same an atrophic pharyngitis - that its or his case when on back walls of pharynx it is observed granuleznost, are visible inetsirovannye vessels and the mucous secret (because of a boring, caused or called disturbances mucous) is allocated. The matter is that at me since the childhood respiration by a nose is complicated, and it can quite contribute to such disease. Accordingly and treatment which I apply, does not help or assist and cannot help or assist, because is directed on struggle against bacteria and viruses, instead of on an adhesion mucous. Probably, only the sparing diet (without special mechanical and chemical stimuluses which can "peel or "fleece and "burn" formed mucous) and processing of a back wall of pharynx by structures promoting an adhesion (type uterine molochka) here can help or assist.
Well here, the diagnosis has put itself - laughter, and only. Simply I tried to describe as more as possible full a symptomatology (even the anamnesis) that the doctor moderating this section, or any other qualified person could allow to feel more freely at removal of "verdict".

With gratitude,


The first doctor
09.12.2003, 23:48
Dear Andrey. Unfortunately, character of your complaints not today is not so clear. What is "granuleznost" a back wall of pharynx too not clearly. They and in norm or rate looks or appears "granulezno". More shortly, it is necessary to look personally. Well as it is possible for something to recommend, not seeing a pathology?