Просмотр полной версии : Tell or Say, please, that for agent ACD-2, And as it is used in onko...

19.06.2004, 14:42
Tell or Say, please, that for agent ACD-2,
And as it is used in an oncology.

Rabaev G.G.
20.06.2004, 21:19
The immune preparation which is officially not used in an oncology.

14.08.2006, 00:31
It most efektivnyj a preparation for treatment of a cancer of serious stages, but medetsina this preparation does not distribute in drugstores, it or he can be got only through good communications or connections. He is intended for vnutrenego applications.

16.08.2006, 22:35
ASD and -2 is a series of preparations of A.S.Dorogova which have been developed specially for use in a veterinary medicine. The preparation possesses very strong immunomodulirujushchim action and consequently has found application in an alternative oncology. Single instances of treatment with application of the given preparation are known. As a whole it or he can be carried safely to the category komplementarnyh agents.