Просмотр полной версии : The help to the girlfriend

30.11.2005, 09:59
Zdrastvujte the doctor! I write to you under the request of the girlfriend. At it or her a tumour in an intestine. Now she passes or takes place a course of an irradiation after which operation on an oncotomy is necessary. Two times took a biopsy which has shown absence zlakachestvennyh cells. The doctor to her has told or said, that children at it or her will not be, as ovaries too are exposed to an irradiation. Whether it or her she interests never can really have normal healthy children. In advance thanks for the answer.

30.11.2005, 18:30
Radial therapy spend ONLY at malignant tumours. The girlfriend has the full right to demand from the doctor the exact information on the disease.