Просмотр полной версии : Melanoma...

07.06.2005, 17:29
Good afternoon, to me 24 years. Me disturbs rodinka on a stomach or belly (approximately 53 mm). She at me since a birth. But several years ago I have gone on the sea, sunbathed also she under action of the Sun izjazvilas - in the middle rodinki have appeared "wet" jazvochka, she did not bleed and was not scratched. Has then begun to live and not a place of this jazvochki on rodinke there was as though slightly towering "plaque", she has the size approximately 32 mm, differs on color and "consistence" from most rodinki. Such kind this rodinka had the last some years - without any changes. I did not give to it or this special value or meaning;importance. However recently I nachitalsja any horrors about a melanoma also was solved on visit to the oncologist. He has looked or seen, has told or said, that all by way of, there is nothing worries (you, oncologists, always so speak:)) However has offered all and to cut out rodinku, it is simple so, for calmness. I have agreed, next week I go it to do or make. However any bad deposit in my soul all is. Tell or say please, on what all it is similar? By my description, what probability of that, what is it a melanoma? How much or as far as it not it or her is similar? I know, that everyone will peerly do or make it or her gist. The analysis, but all would be desirable to learn or find out your opinion.

And more one question. Here I read reports at a forum and the majority of them begin according to type " to Me have removed rodinku, it has appeared - a melanoma ", etc. in the same spirit. Are made impression, that if the person goes on excision rodinki, it already almost for certain a melanoma. All this inspires me simply panic pavor, t. To. In a week I go on similar operation and with horror I represent day when I should learn or find out result of the histological analysis. I am already simply confident, that at me a melanoma. I in a panic of what the friend I can not think. From here my question - what provisional percent or interest of "malignant" analyses removed rodinok in relation to all? What your personal observation, how practising expert? The statistics concerning to this question can eat? In advance thanks for the answer, he for me is very important.

In advance thanks for the answer.

11.06.2005, 23:28
I know, that everyone will peerly do or make it or her gist. The analysis, but all would be desirable to learn or find out your opinion.
And still it is necessary to wait for the analysis. JAsnovidenie and predskazatelstvo - mine konek.

what provisional percent or interest of "malignant" analyses removed rodinok in relation to all? What your personal observation, how practising expert?
Basically nevertheless rodinki. Certainly, having treated a plenty of patients, it is possible to try to put diagnoses "approximately", but there are punctures and at coryphaeuses, and hyperdiagnostics, and gipo - too. Here for this purpose a histology also do or make.