Просмотр полной версии : About a leukemia

21.04.2005, 17:10
The doctor if at me too acyanotic skin, sometimes flows a blood from a nose, in a blood is not enough leucocytes, constantly I overtire, a sleepiness, whether there can be it a leukemia? To me of 17 years. Thanks

21.04.2005, 22:09
And the anemia can also. I advise to hand over the normal analysis of a blood, and not just leucocytes, and after we shall talk.

26.04.2005, 19:58
Hello! Has handed over the analysis of a blood, leucocytes became more, a hemoglobin 130. All rest like too is normal. But I feel awfully, all time would be desirable to sleep, a head any serious. What could it be?

26.04.2005, 22:27
Well, on a subject " that it can be " argue we shall not be, the main thing, not a leukemia. Try to be surveyed at the endocrinologist, hand over a blood on hormones of a thyroid gland.