Просмотр полной версии : Tumour in a brain, please prompt where and to to us to address

07.03.2005, 03:50
Hello, Dear visitors of a forum.

The malignant tumour is found out in the close girlfriend in the left frontal lobe.

Here, that is written in results of a computer tomography:

Picture mts in a brain (a frontal lobe at the left) and plural osteoliticheskih mts in a bone of a skull

All has occured or happened very quickly, all two weeks ago she has laid down on inspections, and in its or her week have written out, having informed parents the diagnosis - a cancer. Two years ago it has been successfully removed rodinka, results of a biopsy have shown a malignant tumour.

Documents at present at me on arms or hand are not present, but I can learn or find out necessary specifications by phone and then write.

Consulted in Burdenko, and in a Krasnogorsk military hospital. They have refused to undertake, have told or said that cannot help or assist.

Please prompt to itself where now to address.

We do not wish to lose hope while the person is still alive

06.04.2005, 16:03
We do not wish to lose hope while the person is still alive

You do not want personally either the patient, or its or her relatives?

The hope happens different. There can be a hope for treatment or hope for simplification of sufferings.

If the second variant I can help or assist you.

08.04.2005, 08:17
We we do not wish to lose hope are friends, parents do not wish to inform the diagnosis to her. Its or her parents in full despair and have already lost hope.

Very much it would be desirable to hope nevertheless for treatment or even on a suspension of process. At present she feels physically, it is rather quite good (without serious pains), and on *quot; O?*quot; doctors have already written out strong anesthetizing.

11.04.2005, 14:53
Can be tell or say to her?

She can will want to go somewhere while can, see, letters to write.

All taki operation on a brain has the certain risk. Whether precisely she will want it or this? She can will want to live simply whenever possible is high-grade at home and to die at home, instead of on a hospital bed or cot with the cut head?

11.04.2005, 17:00
At present she feels physically, it is rather quite good (without serious pains), and on *quot; O?*quot; doctors have already written out strong anesthetizing.

On then medicines do not leave, so if there will be a need let address.

And except for a pain in the further can be and other signs which not are trained to supervise all.

11.04.2005, 18:05
All taki operation on a brain has the certain risk.

If the diagnosis is correct, operation of anything, unfortunately, will not give. All methods of treatment onkozabolevanija in this case can worsen a status of the patient only. We have not the right to do much harm, therefore skilled or experienced neurosurgeons and have given up in treatment.

11.04.2005, 18:47
Its or Her parents in full despair and have already lost hope.

And here still, parents too require the help, in a choice of a correct direction. Therefore, if you really wish to help or assist, pass them that I have written.

11.04.2005, 18:50
Thanks big for the response. We shall necessarily try to pass parents that here have written to us. Unfortunately, they heat to mountain in alcohol and to reach them very hardly, without their sanction inform her the diagnosis certainly we can not. Many thanks for the offer to address for simplification of sufferings. I think it to be necessary in the near future.

It would be desirable to ask, really even in a situation when doctors consider or count the patient remediless, all the same there is a risk to do much harm to him treatment?

Thanks once again. Probably we need to pray only for it or her.

11.04.2005, 18:51
We we do not wish to lose hope are friends, parents do not wish to inform the diagnosis to her. Its or her parents in full despair and have already lost hope.

Very much it would be desirable to hope nevertheless for treatment or even on a suspension of process. At present she feels physically, it is rather quite good (without serious pains), and on *quot; O?*quot; doctors have already written out strong anesthetizing.

Dear AN_Kul!

By the information presented by you, at it is possible to assume, that your girlfriend had a melanoma (removed malignant rodinka) which has had time to give metastasises, including in a brain and bones. The opportunity of an innidiation and in internal parenchymatous organs (a liver, kidneys is not excluded...). The melanoma is one of the most malignant cancers. Unfortunately, oncologists in a similar situation are powerless.

If the diagnosis is correct, operation of anything, unfortunately, will not give. All methods of treatment onkozabolevanija in this case can worsen a status of the patient only. We have not the right to do much harm, therefore skilled or experienced neurosurgeons and have given up in treatment.

There is a concept *quot; qualities ?????*quot;. Perhaps, the main thing that is possible and necessary to make to you - to provide it *quot; ea?N?Oo*quot; for your girlfriend and to render a maximum of support (remember tactfulness) to its or her parents.

11.04.2005, 18:51
Very much it would not be desirable to give unjustified hope, but, probably, you can be helped or assisted with unit of a biotherapy of tumours RONTS by Russian Academy of Medical Science.

http: // www.oncoforum.ru/viewtopic.php? t=2152

See I.E.Sinelnikov's comment. Personally to me it is weakly believed in efficiency and safety of an immunotherapy at metastasises in a brain (and in general at any tumours TSNS, primary and metstaticheskih), but you never can tell, can, they and vozmutsja. In any case, for a question nobody will eat you - try happiness there.

11.04.2005, 18:51
It would be desirable to ask, really even in a situation when doctors consider or count the patient remediless, all the same there is a risk to do much harm to him treatment?

Unreasonable treatment it is possible to strengthen sufferings of the patient and even to reduce a life.