Просмотр полной версии : There is a probability of absence of influence on a tumour

07.04.2005, 15:08
Hello! At my mum (60 years) treatment 13 years ago has been spent
Cancer of a mammary gland (T3N0M0.) Lechenie-operation + a course of radial therapy. After that this disease did not disturb it or her. There was a relapse of a cancer in the field of after operational cicatrix.
Mum have directed in onko-unit of hospital 40 (Moscow).
Doctors have appointed or nominated a course of a chemotherapy: doksirubitsin, 5 ftoruratsil, Cyclophosphanum.
All preparations have been entered in once. A following course - in 21 day. On such method of treatment how much is effective and whether there are more effective and modern preparations for such treatment? It disturbs me, as doctors have told or said, that there is a probability of that the chosen course will not render influence on cancer cells.
What will you advise, for rising advantage or benefit of treatment?
The doctor has told or said, that the tumour is on a rib. However she did not appoint or nominate any additional inspections. Whether it is necessary to do or make a roentgen?
In advance thanks!

09.04.2005, 13:59
On such method of treatment how much is effective and whether there are more effective and modern preparations for such treatment?
It is the most effective scheme or plan of treatment. There are preparations of the second line, they are applied at an inefficiency of the given scheme or plan.

That else you will advise, for rising advantage or benefit of treatment?
While anything.

the Doctor has told or said, that the tumour is on a rib. However she did not appoint or nominate any additional inspections. Whether it is necessary to do or make a roentgen?
Necessarily. It will be essentially for the control of efficiency of treatment. At absence of the remote metastasises the surgical variant of treatment, certainly, after chemio-radial is not excluded. So do or make a roentgen, and it is even better together with a computer tomography, US of organs of an abdominal cavity, a scintigraphy of bones of a skeleton. And if in 40 hospital will be limited to a chemotherapy or the effect will not be, ask a direction in 62 hospital, OKD 1, or address in MNIOI it or him. Herzen.