Просмотр полной версии : Cancer of a sigmoid intestine

23.03.2005, 18:32
At my mother of 76 years, have found out a tumour in a sigmoid intestine 4.
Whether its or her excision what or by except for cavitary operation is possible or probable? For example an endoscopy, etc.
Where it is possible to get a necessary stock of a blood for operation?
Where to address for the help, on postoperative leaving or care in hospital (scientific research institute it or him. Petrov, L.O. Item Sand), the nurse will be necessary.

25.03.2005, 00:11
Such tumour can be removed considerably only by means of cavitary operation. Endoscopic methods of treatment, basically, are possible or probable, but only as a palliative when it is impossible to operate considerably. It is possible to search for a blood at stations of a hemotransfusion - city, in hospitals 15, 26, in Army medical college. You for certain will find the nurse among the personnel of scientific research institute it or him. Petrov.