Просмотр полной версии : Choice of a variant of a chemotherapy

01.09.2004, 19:30
Dear sirs, help or assist to be defined or determined, please, with a choice of a variant of a chemotherapy after operation in occasion of RMZH. The question has arisen in connection with that if I shall approach or suit by results of analyses it will be offered to me to participate in clinical researches and free of charge to pass or take place a course of a chemotherapy new preparations of type Taksotera and so forth (concrete conversation yet was not) with which with other things being equal my insurance will not cover, and money on which, bude there will be a necessity, all peerly is not present and will not be typed or collected whatever to sell. Alternative - a course *quot; Oa??*quot; chemistry. The patient should express distinctly the consent and that I still something in it or this understood....

Initial data such. To me 35 years, one week ago 13.12.2002 have removed the right mammary gland and axillary lymphonoduses. By results of postoperational research, r-O tumours of 3,5 sm, are amazed or struck 2 lymphonoduses. The eyes I still did not see this answer. Before operation by results of a biopsy under the control of US defined or determined adenocarcinoma ductale invasiv. G2, gormononezavisimaja. The tumour has grown somehow very quickly - the first discomfortable sensations in July 2002, and in August - pozhalte...

My attending physician (and not only he) speaks, prefers to leave such preparations in case old kind schemes or plans do not help or assist. Personally I ooochen doubt, that I can use this reserve for cleanly financial reasons. Besides I am not quite assured, whether there will be with me cleanly physical reserves on an additional chemotherapy - I should go on job, let not serious, and though now I and do not have bouquet of chronic illnesses or diseases, but the person zdorovjachkoj I of too would not name. Besides if to participate in researches accessible inspections to Estonia and analyses without delays are guaranteed all, and now all has been made exclusively on personal enthusiasm of my attending physician - thanks separate to her, not on how much it or her will suffice?

I shall be grateful to everyone who will help or assist me to be defined or determined. Most likely, on 27-th of December to me will tell or say, whether I approach or suit in general for participation and then not later than Monday 30-th I should give the distinct answer and djat with myself to do or make though something, time presses.

01.09.2004, 19:30
Similar, what infinitely to spread mysliju on a tree on subjects okolomeditsinskogo charlatanism for of oncologists it is much more interesting, than for a week to give the distinct answer in forum specially intended for it or this - in fact nobody appointed or nominated you in itself to participate force, the truth?

01.09.2004, 19:30
Dear Fifisa! I shall try to begin the answer to YOU as you have very emotionally expressed the negodovanme in occasion of silence of the oncologist.

For the beginning let's agree, that we sympathize with YOU, no less than to all other people who have addressed the help, but all our advisory activity we carry out free of charge and during free time from job.

Hence, anybody from us is not obliged to answer questions. That we it do or make - display of our good will.

Why to us difficultly to you to respond?

And why I undertake to respond you I, the person, not being the oncologist, but participated in very many clinical tests?

The matter is that on YOUR question - to accept or not accept to you participations in studying a new preparation you can to respond ONLY after reception of the information in occasion of a preparation, a kind of research, its or his legal status, YOUR rights and guarantees.

We in fact with you do not know, what research of a sort to you will offer?

About what preparation pojtet speech?

Whether there are you the participant international mnogotsentrovogo researches or it is a preparation created in YOUR country?

All this information in a kind ACCESSIBLE to your comprehension to you will be obliged to present BEFORE you will sign the INFORMED consent about participation in research. In the event that you schitate unnecessary to accept new treatment, and predpochitate more known to YOURS voachu variants, to YOU are obliged to give those variants which are accepted in the country without taking into account novgo a preparation.

Your decision will not affect or influence at all on otnoshneie to YOU of doctors and the fact provedeni treatments.

Success to YOU and good results of treatment!

01.09.2004, 19:30
It is a pity, certainly, that did not see your post earlier.

However, should tell or say that unequivocal references concerning sequence of a postoperative chemotherapy do not exist yet. The first opinion which is available on this bill, propagandizes gradual escalation of regimens of a chemotherapy from 1-st line (less toxic or toxiferous and moderately effective) up to 2,3 and 4 lines of a chemotherapy to which pass at an inefficiency previous. The second opinion consists in use in the postoperative period at once dostotochno *quot; ???y?UO*quot; agents to which, in particular concerns and taksoter.

Mine lichnore opinion: in view of the data resulted or brought by you, in your situation is available (young age, a lesion of lymphonoduses, absence of hormonal receptors in education) + - the resume - I would advise a combination of adverse factors of disease features of material property to you to pass or take place adjuvantnuju a chemotherapy with including or incorporation in the scheme or plan taksanov.

01.09.2004, 19:30
Many thanks to everyone who has responded:)

I have given the basic consent to participation in researches, now I pass or I take place last analyses and checks (at them one of conditions - absence of the removed metastasises) and if the God will give not later than Friday on January, 10th all will begin. The purpose of research - comparison of schemes or plans TAS (6 courses) and And/with + T (4+4 courses) in cases progressing rmzh with a lesion of lymphonoduses.

01.09.2004, 19:30
It would be interesting to learn or find out - within the limits of what program research is carried out. And who - *quot; main ?a?OONnyU?*quot;. This information also are obliged to represent the volunteer.