Просмотр полной версии : Oncology

01.09.2004, 19:30
Hello Uv. Oncologists!

In my mum have found out zl. A tumour in an intestine and metastasises in a liver. (mum 63 years).

Doctors predlogajut HT. Mum is afraid, that very badly it or her will transfer or carry, and whether there is in general a sense it or her to do or make. The general or common status - delicacy, distempers. Up to 38 *, pains in a liver, loss of appetite, a nausea. There can be probably alternative treatment?

In the Internet has found the information on honey. The center in Novosibirsk which treats onko - patients (, etc. zab.) on a method prof. Genadija Markova

(Apparatus treatment + fito - cocktails. Full info. About the center on a site - http: // virus-oncology.narod.ru). Very much it would be desirable to learn or find out your opinion on this method of treatment. And also about preporatah:



GA - 40, Immucor GA - 47;

BAD Tjanshi, system of health of the Niche.

Respond please somewhat quicker (on how much it probably) at us very few or not enough;very poorly time for meditation - or to agree on HT. Or to use any dr. Methods. There can be you will advise any the friend. immunoukrepl. AO-you, methods of treatment, Honey. The centers sovmeshchajushch. tradits. Treatment about an alternate. lech.

If it is possible or probable, respond also those who -you accepted eti and has experience in this trouble.

Yours faithfully Natalia Savin (Estonia, Tallinn)

e-mail: vonderkind@hot.ee

vera bogdanova
01.09.2004, 19:30
Natasha, I have already answered this question (http: // forum.onconet.ru/viewtopic.php? t=683).

01.09.2004, 19:30
Respond please somewhat quicker (on how much it probably) at us very few or not enough;very poorly time for meditation - or to agree on HT.

I would not advise to spend money for any treatment, already anything nobody will help or assist your mother, it is necessary to reconcile to it or this. The only thing that can be made is to facilitate its or her sufferings analgezirujushchej therapy.

01.09.2004, 19:30
Natalja talk in unit of a chemotherapy to doctors. Find out the forecast for your mum without and with a chemotherapy. Can so happens, that not having spent you will regret it or her that did not use the chance, given to you.

I long time worked vpaldiski I/hope you know where eto/try to find Dr. Evgenie Komarova he worked vtallinne as the roentgenologist-radiologist, send the regards, probably he will help or assist you to make a decision.

01.09.2004, 19:30
Natalja talk in unit of a chemotherapy to doctors. Find out the forecast for your mum without and with a chemotherapy. Can so happens, that not having spent you will regret it or her that did not use the chance, given to you.

I long time worked vpaldiski I/hope you know where eto/try to find Dr. Evgenie Komarova he worked vtallinne as the roentgenologist-radiologist, send the regards, probably he will help or assist you to make a decision.

Know, dear though I all heart sympathize, nevertheless, I prefer to speak the truth what she would not be, instead of to submit illusive hopes. Besides, we talk not with patients or patient, and to the relative. Unsuccessful campaigns to doctors, treatment, inspection exhaust last forces of the patient, worsening quality of the remained life. What for your way people ask these questions at a forum? To hear the next lie?

And from whom you advise to send the regards to your friend Komarovu? From certain doctor101 from a forum?

Yes, still I to you would advise to esteem a deontology, section about medical collective nature.

01.09.2004, 19:30
Know, dear though I all heart sympathize, nevertheless, I prefer to speak the truth what she would not be, instead of to submit illusive hopes. And still at such situations the palliative chemotherapy in some cases has the certain efficiency. To that there is also a statistical acknowledgement or confirmation so to name it *quot; illusive ?anN?n*quot; a little bit self-confidently. Those can understand the given situation only himioterapevty which see the patient personally. So your correspondence advice or council - to spit upon all - I consider or count in the given situation incorrect.

01.09.2004, 19:30
Thanks ONCOLOG for pooderzhku. povidimomug-? ALGOR not quite understands shorts, concrete advice or council. I the doctor not hidden under anybody a-surname am opened or open. So reception additional informftsii from the expert in concrete region not javljaeisja superfluous, also practises at a forum colleagues. It is necessary to study or investigate events occuring or happening at a forum more deeply.

01.09.2004, 19:30
And still at such situations the palliative chemotherapy in some cases has the certain efficiency. To that there is also a statistical acknowledgement or confirmation so to name it *quot; illusive ?anN?n*quot; a little bit self-confidently. Those can understand the given situation only himioterapevty which see the patient personally. So your correspondence advice or council - to spit upon all - I consider or count in the given situation incorrect.

I do not argue, to you as to the expert is more visible. But if it is fair, I still did not see patients, from 4-th item to which strongly would help or assist HT - have considerably increased quality and life expectancy.:rolleyes:

Though, as I have already told or said, to you as to the oncologist is more visible

01.09.2004, 19:30
But if it is fair, I still did not see patients, from 4-th item to which strongly would help or assist HT - have considerably increased quality and life expectancy.:rolleyes: h'm-thive... In general, visually it to trace on the concrete patient, certainly, difficultly. We shall admit or allow, he with palliative HT has lived 6 months. Who will tell or say, what could not and without it or her? Or what without it or her would live only 3? From such point of view, certainly, to trace efficiency difficultly, I even would tell or say it is impossible. And here just on the help the statistics also comes. If without HT on the average life expectancy 4 months, and with palliative HT on the average 8 as think - are nevertheless efficiency or not?

Absolutely other question - whether it is necessary to spend N-th sum of money for the sake of these or it 4 months, but it already a question of other calibre. And in efficiency palliative HT doubts simply are not present.

01.09.2004, 19:30
Here, by the way, it is casual (searched for another) under an arm or a hand the reference - simply as an example, certainly has got. (http: // www.sciencedirect.com/science? _ob=ArticleURL*amp; _udi=B6WXW--4cs460y-5*amp; _user=10*amp; _handle=B-WA-A-W-WU-MsSAYWW-UUW-AUEDVEAVCW-AUECUDWWCW-ZABEBUZCU-WU-U*amp; _fmt=full*amp; _coverDate=08%2F31%2F2004*amp; _rdoc=18*amp; _orig=browse*amp; _srch = % 23toc%237169%232004%23999839994%23509627! *amp; _cdi=7169*amp; view=c*amp; _acct=C000050221*amp; _version=1*amp; _urlVersion=0*amp; _userid=10*amp; md5=f898f58a574f5c84c061cc3a6db34ed9)

The Lui
01.09.2004, 19:30
Absolutely other question - whether it is necessary to spend N-th sum of money for the sake of these or it 4 months, but it already a question of other calibre. And in efficiency palliative HT doubts simply are not present.

That's it, that at many this money the last, and treatment rather expensive (at least at us in Ukraine). But as a whole I agree with you, it is a question of other calibre.

01.09.2004, 19:30
At my MUM RELAPSE of the CANCER of the RECTUM. Now TUMOUR prorosla In SHEJKU UTERUSES, the UTERUS Also is touched the WALL of the VAGINA. To us HAVE advised TO go To Moscow In INSTITUTE IT or HIM. BLOHINA. WHETHER CAN OPERATE IT or her THERE? What cost of operation if she is possible or probable?