Просмотр полной версии : The ???o?a?a-chance is?

01.09.2004, 19:30
At my mum a lymphosarcoma. In August 2003. have performed operation, cut out shishku in an inguen. Research has shown, that a malignant tumour. Have diagnosed a lymphosarcoma. About once a month spent a chemotherapy sometimes less often. She normally felt herself. 2 months ago have spent last chemotherapy, after it or her she it is strong oslabla, feels strong pains in the field of a back. Doctors have written out anesthesia koljat 3 times a day Morphinum. Treatments do not spend. Mum almost eats nothing. Whether prompt there are still chances of improvement or it already all and further only will be worse? Than it is possible for her to help or assist? Thanks for the answer.
