Просмотр полной версии : Respond please, whether probably treatment of a carcinoma of the stomach without operation. At mine...

27.08.2004, 05:34
Respond please, whether probably treatment of a carcinoma of the stomach without operation. At my father in 50 years have put such diagnosis, doctors have told or said, that in case of unsuccessful operation he can not rise any more and he was frightened, refuses to be operated on otrez. Is engaged in medical starvation, pyot Propolisum. Has learned or has found out about the doctor of Shevchenko, wants razuznat that for a method.
Whether often happens so, that after operation only becomes worse, in fact metostaz in it or him have not found out... .mozhet they also are not present.
What to do or make?
If he will disagree on operation how to prolong its or his life?

Rabaev G.G.
28.08.2004, 17:52
The basic method of treatment of a carcinoma of the stomach - surgical. The chemotherapy is ineffective.