Просмотр полной версии : Hello 24 years to her have diagnosed my sister a cancer of an intestine 4 stepe...

19.08.2004, 16:37
Hello 24 years to her have diagnosed my sister a cancer of an intestine of 4 degrees has given complication on a lung and a liver sent to Tomsk on inspection, we have not gone doctors we have borrowed or occupied in a selftreatment at present refuse to treat catch at any opportunity I BEG DO NOT REFUSE GIVE ADVICE or COUNCIL HOW TO be if there is an opportunity give coordinate of the qualified center as in our city low qualified doctors

21.08.2004, 22:03
Operations on an intestine probably do or make in institute of a proctology in Moscow....

23.08.2004, 10:02
Onkotsentr in Moscow. D-r pobegalov in Peter. Also stop to be engaged in shamanism at last

The anonym
23.08.2004, 18:07
o yours email

25.08.2004, 11:38
To me 33 Was melonoma, after operation have gone or send metostazy in limfosistemu, after one more operation metostazy to a muscular tissue. After refusal of operation it began to be treated on this method. In 2 years on eyes all has resolved.
olga_best70@mail. ru
To pour in a jar 30 ml. Not refined sunflower butter or oil (refined operates or works is worse, but too it is possible) and 30 ml. 40 % of alcohol (vodka), densely to close a cover and activly to shake or amaze pair minutes. To make an exhalation and as soon as possible to drink (it is impossible to suppose, that the medicine was again stratified on butter or oil and vodka).
To accept a medicine three times a day (for two hours is a minimum - before reception of an admixture nothing is), for 15 - 20 minutes UP TO MEAL and, whenever possible, at regular intervals, for example at 8, 14 and 19 hours.
All 15 - 20 minutes from reception of a medicine up to meal categorically are forbidden that or to eat or drink. Something is possible pososat or to rinse a mouth, but necessarily all to spit out.
To drink a medicine of 10 days on end. After the first and after the second decades (ten-day periods) of reception of a medicine the break in 5 days is necessary. After the third decade a break in two weeks. Further it is necessary to repeat course of treatment in the same way before full treatment, but not less than 2 - 3 years.
In no event it is impossible to reduce or increase or enlarge specified above a dose and terms.
In breaks between courses it is possible to show to official doctors, to pass or take place US, a roentgen, tamografiju. Biopsy and isotope researches can be spent not more often 1 time a year.
Time or Temporary fluctuations in analyses and weight of a body in the first months of treatment can be, but constant improvement of all parameters will gradually begin.
To apply any heating procedures: a bath, clay, ointment on a tumour, etc.
To use special respiratory gymnastics
To be treated by other anticancerogenic techniques.
To accept any other antitumoral medicines and grasses, also fractions, antitumoral antibiotics, hormonal preparations of type Prednisolonum, Tamoxifenum (he Nolvadexum, zitazonium), bonefos, depo-probelief, flutsinom, Sinestrolum and t. Item the Sick diabetes mellitis an insulin to apply it is undesirable, he accelerates body height of a cancer tumour.
To be treated by urine internally, naruzhno.
To resort to services of all without exception of magicians and t. Item
Use of any ionizers of air at any time and Lusters chizhevskogo Is forbidden.
From first day of treatment it is excluded or the innidiation stops, the structure of a blood is normalized, the level of a cholesterin and arterial pressure decreases, the weight of a body is restored, the liver is cleared from bilirubinovyh both cholesteric adjournment and a proside, stops bleedings.
Age restrictions for this method does not exist. To children 12 years are more senior is necessary to accept an adult dose of a medicine. To children is more younger than this age raschityvajut so: 0, 6 ml. Butters or oils + 0, 6 ml. Vodka on everyone of 1 kg of weight of a body.
Through 2 - 5 days (sometimes at once) or later can appear or amplify pains in the centers of illness or disease, and is possible or probable in other places about which you at all did not suspect. For some days of a pain will cease absolutely, or become tolerant. Ostealgias can be saved more longly.
On 4 - 6 days of the first or second decade of each cycle can and later there can be bleedings from greater or big, breaking up tumours, tablets of type of Vicasolum help or assist with these cases. (to prick no more than three days on end)
Can decrease mocheotdelenie and she can accept reddish color.
There Can be a liquid chair.
Can appear podtashnivanie and a heartburn. If the vomiting has come or stepped in current of four hours after reception of a medicine, it is necessary to drink a medicine still time, through 5 - 10 minutes after a vomiting, preliminary having cooled butter or oil and vodka in a refrigeration cabinet
Delicacy since the first days of treatment
Deterioration of appetite
For some time edemas, especially around of tumours or metastasises can appear or amplify.
The Tachycardia in rest: about 100 impacts in a minute. To struggle it is not necessary.
Categorically it is forbidden to drink alcohol in any kinds and quantities or amounts
Smoking urgently to stop to smoke
Except for all milk or dairy, sour-milk and sweet is everything is possible, try to reduce the use of animal Adepses. Through 15 - 20 minutes after reception of a medicine are necessary though to something to eat and only then to drink a liquid, differently there can be a nausea.
It is impossible to enter a glucose intravenously.
It is possible to accept anesthetizing, calming or abirritating and somnolents: Analginum, noshpa, Baralginum, Dimedrolum, Voltarenum, diklofinak
It is impossible to drink vegetable juices.
To store or keep butter or oil follows in a dark place, to salt it or her it is impossible.
It is forbidden to accept the medicines made of a blood of the person or animals (an interferon, Thymalinum, intron - and, etc.)
Cancer ulcers can be washed out and prisypat antiseptics, but to smear with anything it is impossible.
If before the patient has been coded, decoding is not required.
Be not overzealous in physical work.
Pregnancy is inadmissible.
Any fruit, berries and vegetable juices it is impossible.
I allowed myself nonalcoholic beer and sweets for diabetics. Sweet made or produced for diabetics (Sorbitum, etc.) can eat all. Voobshchem the most important not is sweet, milk or dairy (including cheese) to not drink alcohol to not smoke, and to accept a medicine by a technique. I know 3 person which have recovered thus. With the best regards Olga.
This method was developed by the professor of Shevchenko.