Просмотр полной версии : Hello. 3 years ago I on a leg or foot had a dark blue speck (the size...

10.08.2004, 22:42
3 years ago I on a leg or foot had a dark blue speck (in size with small rodinku) every year it increases a little or is a little enlarged (especially in the summer). Now in size with grain also towers above a surface of a skin. I thought what is it a vein.. (it is very similar to a varicose phlebectasia, only in videmalenkogo kruzhochka)
It does not disturb me. (but hurts by strong pressing) a little.
In it or this to year has appeared still odo a small dark blue speck on a stomach or belly.
I have addressed to the oncologist and he has diagnosed me - Papiloma pigmental or pigmentary.
Has told or said immediately to remove surgical by under the general or common narcosis. To me of 29 years.
I not married. I do not have children.
It is very terrible to me to go on operatsijub especially at us in Chernovtsy. (Ukraine)
It is how much serious and what you will advise me?

Rabaev G.G.
12.08.2004, 10:44
At impossibility of survey, it is necessary to recommend to follow references of your doctor.