Просмотр полной версии : To the father, 71 year, on the basis of a roentgenoscopy have diagnosed neoplazma pishchev...

08.08.2004, 23:22
To the father, 71 year, on the basis of a roentgenoscopy have diagnosed neoplazma an esophagus.
On r-skopii GASTROINTESTINAL TRACT: the esophagus - on border of average k/z (n/) is available circulatory or circuit narrowing with expressed suprostenicheskim an esophagectasia. Barium passes or takes place a thin trickle, a stomach and 12. An intestine without features.
For last month has strongly grown thin. Can eat only liquid and in small quantities or amounts. Often after reception of nutrition there is a vomiting, constant plentiful sljunootodelenie, and stethalgias.
A chemotherapy and an irradiation categorically refuses.
Please, advise something for decrease of pains and a vomiting and it is possible or probable salivations.

Rabaev G.G.
10.08.2004, 01:24
And in surgical lecheii it is given up?