Просмотр полной версии : Dear doctors! Very much excruciates a question: I had a cancer of a uterus 1 items What pe...

06.08.2004, 15:43
Dear doctors! Very much excruciates a question: I had a cancer of a uterus 1 items What period on time borrows or occupies its or her development? Has addressed in hospital in August with small vydelenijami with an impurity of a blood, but still nothing hurted or was ill;was sick. Treated me for everything, but at all not having taken on the analysis a smear on a cancer that are obliged to do or make in similar cases, especially to me for 40 and not often bothered doctors. In November have found out small a stone in a kidney, and I tried to be heated both in bathing and in a bath, jumped and have solved this problem itself. Then problems with monthly have begun. Could not lay down on a histology as it was necessary to lay down before monthly (according to the doctor), and they came at the wrong time and me did not lay down on a currettage. That a smear bad, and so on. In January pains very strong have already begun, I simply roared, as nobody wished to help or assist me. Nakonetsv February when my monthly again send or have come once again at the wrong time, I have simply caused or called fast, and me have been compelled or forced to put in hospital, where manager. Units has stated me claims in occasion of a trifling call. Here only then have made gistalogiju, I have lain 2 weeks, to me put Progesteronum and to an extract I too put houses to myself under the schedule. And the diagnosis have told or said only in one and a half month so longly it or him did or made. On operation I have got only in the extremity or end of April, have passed or have taken place radial therapy. I want and, it seems to me, I have the right know how much or as far as my position could to be better, if I was not heated in bathing, would not put Progesteronum, I have still drunk 10 tablets in February narkoluta, that is if to me at once even in September have made gistalogiju, and then operation. Whether I could avoid radial therapy? A difference in 8 months, plus my wrong treatment, - to mine it is essential. You experts, know all subtleties, tell or say fairly, please. Please!

Smirnov D.R.
08.08.2004, 07:37
l in most cases for development of a clinical significant cancer, years and even decades are necessary. Though there are also special forms more transient or fulminating. The conclusion of histological research where?