Просмотр полной версии : Hello 04.12.02. I wrote in occasion of a prosthetic repair of a throat one more in...

05.08.2004, 17:26
Hello 04.12.02. I wrote one more question in occasion of a prosthetic repair of a throat. Whether to the father 62 years value or meaning;importance has age at protezirovani and how much it can cost.
Yours faithfully, Sergey t. (095 133 24 72 SergeyV@tvs. tv

Kozlov D.V.
07.08.2004, 01:49
The age in an oncology of special value or meaning;importance has no. The general or common status of the patient More matters. I shall tell or say, that for a long time not news. For today seventy-year at times much more strong also is more hardy 30 years or summer. Age - not criterion. Here in occasion of cost to tell or say I am at a loss: - ((In view of, that a prosthetic repair in general branch not cheap - even approximately to estimate or appreciate I am at a loss. On site MRNTS specified by me there is a page of questions - answers. Try to ask there. If it is not difficult, here again inform then the answer.