Просмотр полной версии : Zdrastvujte, tell or say please: whether necessarily to do or make histological iss...

17.07.2004, 01:03
Zdrastvujte, tell or say please: whether necessarily to do or make histological
Research at excision rodinok (in line " recommended
Inspection " is written to make), and what for it in general is necessary?

Smirnov D.R.
17.07.2004, 10:07
You by eye can tell or say what at you rodinka? Where and what for she grows? And in general, that at it or her on mind or wit.

21.07.2004, 08:00
Usual small rodinka, little bit convex. The doctor spoke, that dangers any do not represent. However has written to delete with gist. Research.

21.07.2004, 21:23
Has correctly written. As all the removed neoplasms (rodinki, warts, etc.) necessarily are a subject to histological research. So all Ok.