Просмотр полной версии : Hello. To my relative (1963. Birthes) in March of this year was p...

11.07.2004, 22:43
Hello. To my relative (1963. Birthes) in March of this year repeated operation on excision of a metastasis of an adenocarcinoma from the left temporal share has been spent. We are afraid to spend the further radial therapy still or even to not worsen a situation, at the same time doctors are not confident efficiency of a chemotherapy of a brain. Help or assist to answer please our questions, we simply do not know as to act or arrive further and to itself to address for the help.

Case history:
May, 1997 - a resection of the top share of the left lung. At research of tissue specimens the picture vysokodifferentsirovannoj adenocarcinomas with fine sites of a planocellular metaplasia is found out.
On March, 30th, 1999 - operation - subtotal excision of an intracerebral tumour of the left temporal share is made. The histological conclusion - a metastasis of an adenocarcinoma with microfocuses of a neuroendocrinal differentiation.
After operation radial therapy of a brain with a focal dose 59 Gr is spent.
On June, 5th, 2000 - the Recurrent tumor of a brain. Operation - excision of a metastasis of an adenocarcinoma from the left temporal share is made. After operation 4 courses of a chemotherapy are spent: Nydranum, etokozid, Cisplatinum.
On March, 14th, 2001 - the Repeated recurrent tumor of a brain. Operation - excision of a metastasis of an adenocarcinoma from the left temporal share is made.

1. Whether there are now, except for a radial irradiation and a chemotherapy, methods of postoperative treatment of a brain? If exist, where and to itself it is possible to address for consultation?
2. Whether there are the ways (methods) reducing a hematoencephalic barrier more effectively to spend a chemotherapy?
3. Now after operation the chemotherapy with use Gemzara and Navelbina is offered. It would be desirable to know your opinion in occasion of purpose or appointment of these preparations.
4. Whether probably in the given situation fitoterapevticheskoe treatment? Where and at whom it is possible to receive consultation?

Rabaev G.G.
12.07.2004, 04:31
You can receive the most qualified consultation in otdelengii nejroonkologii Institute of Neurosurgery (manager. otd. Cherekaev Vasily Alekseevich) - www. nsi. ru