Просмотр полной версии : Dear Gennady Gavrilovich! I already consulted to you in occasion of about...

19.06.2004, 16:49
Dear Gennady Gavrilovich!
I already consulted to you in occasion of the father (4 stage of a cancer predstaty with MTS in pozvonochnyj a department and the right forearm). Once a week to him do or make injections "ftoruratsil" (when the blood allows), he accepts "honvan", is compelled or forced to be anesthetized by "Omnoponum" (each 12 hours). Now he not in onkodispansere, "chemistry" to him do or make domiciliary. Last week he complains, that the lower lip "has grown dumb", as at dental at a frost. With what it can be connected? He already assumes, what metastasises, ostensibly, have gone or send to a head, but unless thus the labium is taken away? I sin on all these preparations more. What your opinion?

Rabaev G.G.
19.06.2004, 23:10
DISTURBANCE chustvitelnosti can be connected with kompresie a spinal cord and with a metastatic lesion of a brain, and also with disturbance of a circulation in a brain owing to reception of preparation Honvan. Use Ftoruratsila in given is not justified by a situation.