Просмотр полной версии : The dear doctor! The grandmother has been operated 2 months ago in occasion of a chalk...

Zubkova T.A.
13.06.2004, 06:26
The dear doctor!
The grandmother has been operated 2 months ago in occasion of a melanoma of an anticnemion (a metastasis during operation it was not revealed) yesterday in an inguen has appeared shishka in the size in a chicken yolk.
What further forecast also what it is possible to make?
Age of the grandmother 82 years
Whether Mogut-to help or assist bioadditives?

Kozlov D.V.
14.06.2004, 07:01
Bioadditives will not help or assist. Operation - pahovo-ileal limfadenektomija (operation Djukena) Is required. If a status of the grandmother weakened or easied and the narcosis is undesirable, operation can be spent under conduction or periduralnoj anesthesia.