Просмотр полной версии : To my mum (54 years, a menopause) the radical resection recently has been executed...

08.06.2004, 01:43
To my mum (54 years, a menopause) the radical resection left a pier recently has been executed. Glands, torakoskopicheskaja parasternal limfadektomija at the left. Up to opreatsii to her diagnosed 1N0M0 and spoke, that in the further it or she is waited with an irradiation., but after the come histogram have appointed or nominated 5 courses PHT under scheme or plan FAC with an interval 21 day under the control of a blood and the ECHO - KG: Doxorubicinum - 80, 5 ftoratsil - 800, Cyclophosphanum - 800, zofran - 8. Whether probably here any supporting or maintaining treatment for ogranizma also what means purpose or appointment of SUCH preparations?

Rabaev G.G.
09.06.2004, 04:24
Important what is the time the menopause and what final postoperative diagnosis lasts.

Rabaev G.G.
10.06.2004, 06:46
Important what is the time the menopause and what final postoperative diagnosis and the morphological form of a tumour in view of the receptor status lasts.

11.06.2004, 00:49
The menopause lasts 4 years. And we do not know the postoperative diagnosis. And how to learn or find out? Easier or simply to ask the attending physician? They in the sealed envelopes (on Kashirke) give all.
That is without these data you of anything (on these data) cannot tell or say?

Rabaev G.G.
12.06.2004, 00:05
Talk to the regional oncologist, now, usually, diagnoses do not disappear.